Sunday 14 December 2014

That Creative Blog found me! 

I'm really pleased you decided to come along on the next part of my illustration/life journey. Whilst I loved the Amanda in a Teacup name that I had for a very long time it just wasn't reflective of the person I had become over the past year...

This blog is my little corner of the internet to share the things I'm passionate about and my current favourites and obsessions. It will feature my illustrations , style and make-up, music and well anything and everything...the big thing about my blog is that it's going to be really reflective of my taste and style. Which is diverse and often contradictory...I know that's not going to be to everyone's taste and that not all of you will want to follow my blog but that's cool...

I'm going to be blogging much more regularly and I'll be launching a couple of exciting new projects over the next few weeks so watch this space...


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