Saturday 2 April 2016

Long time no blog...UPDATE

I have been a rubbish blogger lately, mostly because I messed up the layout of my blogger template and it's taken me this long to sort it out!?! I know, lame right but hey that's why I like using pens and paper haha!

So I thought I'd do a quick update about what I have been doing so far this it's just turned April! I can't believe how quickly this year is going. I am pleased to feel a bit of spring sunshine on my skin though as this winter has been so long and cold. 


I started off the year with a determined focus to improve my illustration. The first drawing of the year was this deer...done sat in a messy kitchen because my house had been turned upside down with the installation of some much welcome double glazing. 


I also had some of my work on display in the Surface Gallery in Nottingham as part of their Under the Bed exhibition. This was the first time I had any of my artwork on public view and I was very excited and proud of myself when I went to view the exhibition on the opening day! 

January was also the month that the first Drink and Draw Social zine was published, it was beyond exciting to see it on sale in Rough Trade! 



February was a tough month for me creativity wise, I was not in the zone at all and I really struggled to find inspiration. I began reflecting on what direction I wanted to take my drawing and finally decided to focus on botanical illustrations and tattoo art- I also decided to teach myself watercolour. This was after discovering the work of the illustrator Holly Exley and basically watching all her videos on Youtube about 50 times...


I discovered the joys of buying random art shit on Amazon and got some small sketchbook 'tiles' and set about drawing something decent on every one. Including this rabbit...

I also went along to some really interesting talks at Rough Trade run by the local Nottingham Etsy ladies (this may have been Feb and March), the talks were about running an Etsy shop and how to take photographs of the things you sell. The talks were great but as it still stands I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to setting up my own shop- I will get there though. 


Once march hit I was a bit more in the zone drawing wise, helped along by the fact I turned my kitchen table into a mini studio and I didn't have to draw hunched over any more. I started to do more colour stuff, including a fashion illustration (something which I always do when I need to get my focus back ). The planning for a few exciting art related bits and bobs also started to happen this month .....