Sunday 25 January 2015

Restaurant Review - Wildwood, Nottingham

I went to Wildwood restaurant 18 Kings Street, Nottingham on Thursday night with my mum, it was a complete accident that we went there...we thought it was Pizza Express (no joke) and it wasn't until I sat down that I realised it wasn't...I know right BUT it turned into a pretty pleasant accident so I thought I would give it a bit of a review for you guys. 

The restaurant is where the Jonathan James shoe shop used to be and they have really done a nice job at renovating it. We were sat down at the back of the restaurant and I found it a bit strange that everyone was squeezed into the back of the room but soon realised that was because when the door opened it was FREEZING! I did feel that our table was a bit too close to the next table and we didn't have a lot of room but luckily we were on the end of the row. 

Mum and I both went for pizzas; Mum had the Margherita and I had the Wild Mushroom and Truffle oil pizza - mine was really tasty and you got a nice range of wild mushroom on it, Mum also rated hers. I would go back for a pizza for sure, the chips though were a let down- they were pretty expensive and were very average so I would give them a miss. They were nicely presented though. 

 Overall I would give the food a 7/10, only affected by the lame chips. The staff were really lovely and friendly and the toilets were very nice with really cute wallpaper....worth a visit but I'm not in that much of a hurry to return as it really put me off with the seating plan, I like to be able to eat and chat without other people sitting so close haha #diva 

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Dark Side

Dark Side by amandainateacup 

I love Polyvore, it's like a modern day fuzzy's my monochrome fashion inspiration for you. 

Stop being lame and start drawing Amanda!

I'm suffering from a lack of motivation currently...I genuinely think the cold weather is making me want to do nothing but watch vlogs on youtube and eat! It's not good for my art or my waistline . So I thought I would share some of the things I've been doing lately , tips if you like on how to get your art mojo back...

1. Listen to the music you listen to when you create stuff
I like to listen to a particular type of music when I'm drawing, so if I need to get back in the zone I start listening to it again. Sounds obvious and yeah it is , but it works....

2. Get on Instagram
Browse people's profile's that inspire you and start making notes on what it is you like about their profile, art, hair, cat etc...Find new people to follow.

3. Stimulate your eyes 
Chances are if you are a creative, you are a visual person...give yourself new things to look at, go to an art gallery, browse the books at Waterstones, sit and people watch in town.

4. Organise your art stuff
I love pens and for some reason the minute I start organising them and my sketchbooks I feel like drawing, yes I'm aware that I am a massive art geek!

5. Get a notebook and make a list of the creative things you want to achieve
Ronseal that one eh...and yes by the time you finish with this list you will have stuff to fill it with GAWD

6. Youtube
Find some art tutorials on youtube , they'll either be so great you get inspired or so shit it will make you want to draw just to prove you're better than they are. 

7. Try something creative that you've never done before
Lino printing, candle making, glass get the idea

8. Pinterest
Create a board to influence your illustration when you are having a creative dry spell , you can find mine here 

9. Talk it out
Speak to your art mates, talk to your mum- everyone has an opinion on what you should draw...see if it inspires you 

10. Force yourself to sit down and draw 
Harsh but effective, in my experience sometimes just sitting down and getting into it is the best way to er get into it.

So there you go, that's what I've been doing to get back into the creative mindset. What techniques do you use? 

A x

*that image is from tumblr

Monday 12 January 2015


So it's January and I bet that half of you reading this have decided that after eating Christmas you want to eat healthier and too. I generally eat pretty healthily but I have not been as disciplined recently and I've really noticed the difference in my skin (it's been really dull or really spotty) and the fact that I am so so tired recently for no reason. 

After reading several blog posts about healthy eating including Naomi Smart's blog, I decided to try and make some lifestyle changes, one of which was to explore milk alternatives. I didn't want to go all radical and change my diet completely because in my experience I tended to not stick with the changes but one lifestyle change at a time could be a realistic goal. 

They say that you see the benefits of having less milk within weeks and it can include reduced anxiety and stress, better sleeping patterns and more energy...all things that I would benefit from. I've not been doing this for long enough to really see the benefits yet but I am hopeful and will keep you posted. 

I've been trying two milk alternatives...

£1.80 approx from Holland and Barrett

I'm not sure if you guessed but this one is made from Oats, I know right...complete surprise to me too! I like this one, it's sweet in taste and you know what it really does taste like oats but in a good way. However DO NOT PUT IT IN TEA, it just can't cope with it and curdles. It is nice on your cereal or would work well as a smoothie base. 

I really like the packaging on this one, I know that shouldn't really be a focus but I like it when brands have a sense of humour with their packaging. 

£1.29 from Tesco

This is the original version of the soya milk, I also tried out the Light version which if I'm honest I didn't really rate. This does indeed have a subtle sweet taste, I liked it and it didn't freak out when I added it to my tea BONUS! 

This tends to be more widely available in supermarkets so you are likely to be able to get hold of it easily. Again really nice on cereal, I think that this is a great all rounder and a good way into milk alternatives, I've noticed that they use this brand at Starbucks and I really like the soya lattes there so it works in coffee too, although I don't have a fancy machine at home yet so not sure how it would work with instant coffee.

So I think that I'm going to try and increase my use of milk alternatives , I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up milk completely but I think that if the benefits are true that might be something I'll reconsider. 

Have your tried any of these? or have any tips for milk alternatives? let me know by commenting below or tweet me @amandainateacup. 



A photo posted by amandainateacup (@amandainateacup) on

Saturday 10 January 2015

My Beauty Wish List for January...

My Beauty Wish list

These are some of the beauty products I am looking forward to treating myself to...the result of many hours worth of research...and I'm sharing the joy with you for are welcome haha...

1. Soap and Glory Brow Archery eyebrow pen
I usually use a powder shadow for my brows so I am looking forward to trying this pen to see whether it is natural looking or not. 

2. The Original Urban Decay NAKED palette
In my opinion the best of the nakeds

3. Nars highlighter in Copacabana 
Recommended by Tanya Burr so who am I to argue, highlighter use is something I am looking to master this year...not in a Kardashian extreme way though like

4. Too Faced Chocolate bar palatte
I've been seeing this pop up on a lot of American beauty Youtube favourites, I'm looking forward to seeing what the hype is all about. Debate is on whether the pigment is any good...I'll let you know. 

5. Benefit Porefessional 
This apparently really makes your make-up sit nicely on your face haha I mean yeah it minimises your pores

6. Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge
This is going to be either great or something I'll regret buying...let's see

7. Lush's valentines day bath stuff - yes that is the UNICORN horn bubble bar


It's hard for me to remember a time when I wasn't addicted to watching YouTubes...and if you know me personally you will no doubt have been made to watch the odd video or 15 when you come round to my house. 

Well it got NEXT Level at Christmas after my lovely mum got me a new TV...I was able to move from my much ridiculed tiny post-it sized TV to a big badass 32' beaut...thanks mum!

Anyway in honour of this I've decided to share some of my favourite recent videos for your viewing pleasure...and if you don't watch YouTube already?! then come on down and get involved...

I think YouTube is so addictive for me because I am so gosh darn NOSY and I love picking up make-up and illustration tips from tutorials.  My favourite channels at the moment include Zoella, Helen Anderson, Essie Button and Mary Doodles. 


Friday 2 January 2015


Happy New Year!

I'm feeling really optimistic about this year, whilst that might come back to bite me on the bum I'm still going to say it! 

I'm not really one for making traditional new year's resolutions but I am a big fan of using the start of the year as a good time to re-group and plan out what I'd like to achieve for the year. 

I got myself a notebook and divided it into sections...BLOG, ART and LIFE then I started to make lists of everything I wanted to do this year, even crazy ideas that probably won't happen but hey you can still add them to the list.

One of my big goals this year is to travel more...I went on a pretty epic trip to California last year and it really sparked the travel bug within me. Places I absolutely want to visit are BERLIN and I seem to have become obsessed with wanting to go Greek Island Hopping...I also listed places in England that I have never been to and those that I have been and want to go back to, this includes BRIGHTON which I absolutely love. Check out my Travel board on Pinterest 

Another area I have big goals for is with my drawing- I want to try out new illustration techniques and try working with Indian Inks in my illustrations. I also want to build up a network of illustrators so I can learn from my peers and share tips and ideas.

I haven't included all the things that are included on my list but I hope this has given you a bit of inspiration to getting thinking about what you want to achieve this year!