Tuesday 20 January 2015

Stop being lame and start drawing Amanda!

I'm suffering from a lack of motivation currently...I genuinely think the cold weather is making me want to do nothing but watch vlogs on youtube and eat! It's not good for my art or my waistline . So I thought I would share some of the things I've been doing lately , tips if you like on how to get your art mojo back...

1. Listen to the music you listen to when you create stuff
I like to listen to a particular type of music when I'm drawing, so if I need to get back in the zone I start listening to it again. Sounds obvious and yeah it is , but it works....

2. Get on Instagram
Browse people's profile's that inspire you and start making notes on what it is you like about their profile, art, hair, cat etc...Find new people to follow.

3. Stimulate your eyes 
Chances are if you are a creative, you are a visual person...give yourself new things to look at, go to an art gallery, browse the books at Waterstones, sit and people watch in town.

4. Organise your art stuff
I love pens and for some reason the minute I start organising them and my sketchbooks I feel like drawing, yes I'm aware that I am a massive art geek!

5. Get a notebook and make a list of the creative things you want to achieve
Ronseal that one eh...and yes by the time you finish with this list you will have stuff to fill it with GAWD

6. Youtube
Find some art tutorials on youtube , they'll either be so great you get inspired or so shit it will make you want to draw just to prove you're better than they are. 

7. Try something creative that you've never done before
Lino printing, candle making, glass painting...you get the idea

8. Pinterest
Create a board to influence your illustration when you are having a creative dry spell , you can find mine here 

9. Talk it out
Speak to your art mates, talk to your mum- everyone has an opinion on what you should draw...see if it inspires you 

10. Force yourself to sit down and draw 
Harsh but effective, in my experience sometimes just sitting down and getting into it is the best way to er get into it.

So there you go, that's what I've been doing to get back into the creative mindset. What techniques do you use? 

A x

*that image is from tumblr

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