Monday 12 January 2015


So it's January and I bet that half of you reading this have decided that after eating Christmas you want to eat healthier and too. I generally eat pretty healthily but I have not been as disciplined recently and I've really noticed the difference in my skin (it's been really dull or really spotty) and the fact that I am so so tired recently for no reason. 

After reading several blog posts about healthy eating including Naomi Smart's blog, I decided to try and make some lifestyle changes, one of which was to explore milk alternatives. I didn't want to go all radical and change my diet completely because in my experience I tended to not stick with the changes but one lifestyle change at a time could be a realistic goal. 

They say that you see the benefits of having less milk within weeks and it can include reduced anxiety and stress, better sleeping patterns and more energy...all things that I would benefit from. I've not been doing this for long enough to really see the benefits yet but I am hopeful and will keep you posted. 

I've been trying two milk alternatives...

£1.80 approx from Holland and Barrett

I'm not sure if you guessed but this one is made from Oats, I know right...complete surprise to me too! I like this one, it's sweet in taste and you know what it really does taste like oats but in a good way. However DO NOT PUT IT IN TEA, it just can't cope with it and curdles. It is nice on your cereal or would work well as a smoothie base. 

I really like the packaging on this one, I know that shouldn't really be a focus but I like it when brands have a sense of humour with their packaging. 

£1.29 from Tesco

This is the original version of the soya milk, I also tried out the Light version which if I'm honest I didn't really rate. This does indeed have a subtle sweet taste, I liked it and it didn't freak out when I added it to my tea BONUS! 

This tends to be more widely available in supermarkets so you are likely to be able to get hold of it easily. Again really nice on cereal, I think that this is a great all rounder and a good way into milk alternatives, I've noticed that they use this brand at Starbucks and I really like the soya lattes there so it works in coffee too, although I don't have a fancy machine at home yet so not sure how it would work with instant coffee.

So I think that I'm going to try and increase my use of milk alternatives , I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up milk completely but I think that if the benefits are true that might be something I'll reconsider. 

Have your tried any of these? or have any tips for milk alternatives? let me know by commenting below or tweet me @amandainateacup. 


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